
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要

AP2 基因作为调控植物花发育的功能基因,参与花器官建立、花萼片各个组成部分的特化以及形成调控。所编码的AP2/EREBP转录因子的主要特征是都至少含有一个由60到70个左右的氨基酸组成高度保守的DNA结合区,称作AP2结合域。AP2基因不但自身调控着花、胚珠的发育,而且与其他因子相互协作,参与到复杂的花发育调控网络。本实验以拟南芥作为实验材料,提取DNA。用引物LhAP2-F和LhAP2-R进行AP2基因克隆。将PCR得到的序列进行TA克隆测序可知获得DNA片段长度为1616bp。序列分析结果表明LhAP2基因ORF长度为1476bp,共编码492个氨基酸,具有2个AP2结构域。在克隆好到的LhAP2基因上加入BamHI和 SacI酶切位进行酶切,将酶切好的AP2基因片段与PBI121载体进行连接构建35S:LhAP2过表达载体,验证杂交鹅掌楸AP2基因功能。

关键词:AP2基因 功能 拟南芥

Functional verification of Liriodendron APETALA2 gene


AP2 gene as functional genes which regulate the flower development,involved in the establishment of floral meristem identity,the specification of flower organ identity and the regulation of floral organogenesis. The AP2/EREBP family genes have a DNA- binding domain that consists of approximately 60 - 70 conserved amino acid residues, named of AP2 domain. AP2 not only regulates the development of flower and ovule,but also cooperate with other factors involved in the complex regulatory networks of the flower development. In this experiment, I use arabidopsis thaliana as experimental material to extract the total RNA and reverse transcribed it. Primer LhAP2-F and LhAP2-R were used in the cloning of AP2 genes. The size of PCR production was 1616bp and it was sequenced by TA cloning. The result of sequence analysis indicated that the ORF length of LhAP2 is 1476bp. The protein contains 492 amino acids and there are two AP2 domains in it. Restriction enzyme was carried out on the cloned LhAP2 gene together with the BamHI and the SacI enzyme sites. After restriction enzyme, the AP2 gene fragment was ligated to PBI121 vector to construct the overexpression vector. 35S:LhAP2, verify the function of AP2 gene in Liriodendron hybrids.

Key words : AP2 gene function Arabidopsis thaliana


摘要 1

Abstract 2

1、论文综述 4

1.1 AP2基因的起源 4

1.2 AP2基因的结构与功能 5

1.2.1 AP2基因家族及其分类 5

1.2.2 AP2/EREBP转录因子在植物发育中的作用 7

1.2.3 AP2/EREBP 蛋白在对环境因子或胁迫应答中的作用 9

1.3 鹅掌楸的研究现状 9

1.4 展望 11

2、实验方法 12

2.1 实验材料 12

2.2 实验方法 12

2.2.1 表达载体构建 12

2.2.2 连接 17

2.2.3 大肠杆菌转化及菌液PCR检测 17

2.2.4 提取质粒转化农杆菌 18

2.2.5 拟南芥载培与转化 18

2.2.6 转化植株筛选和移栽 19

2.2.7 转化植株DNA的提取 19

2.2.8 转化植株的PCR检测 19

2.2.9 表型观察 20

3、实验结果与分析 20

3.1 实验结果 20

3.1.1 AP2基因表达载体构建 20

3.1.2连接(TA克隆)后菌液PCR检测结果 21

3.1.3大肠杆菌转化PCR检测结果 21

3.1.4 大肠杆菌转化结果 21

3.1.5 转化植株DNA的提取 22

3.1.6 转化植株的PCR检测 22

4、讨论 23

致 谢 24

参考文献 25

前 言


正 文


1.1 AP2基因的起源

1994 年 Jofuku[1]等首先分离到了拟南芥的 APETALA2(AP2)基因,AP2基因所表达的蛋白质含有两个AP2/ERF的结构域。随后在4个能与乙烯诱导病程相关 (Pathogenesis-Related,PR)的烟草蛋白中也发现了这个结构域[2]


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