
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要



The surney of the microbial diversity index in different Catalpa bungei plantations

Abstract:This article chooses different types of typical Catalpa bungei May samples in the forest xiashu and yuntai mountain,Lianyungang. The growth conditions and microbial diversity were studied in different Catalpa bungei May plantation.The tree height and diameter were measured.The quantites of bacteria,fungi and actinomycetes were examed in soil samples in different Catalpa bungei May plantation and the control sample.The microbial community diversity index in different Catalpa bungei May plantations were analyzed with the application of BIOLOG technology. The results showed as follows.The quantites of microorganism in Catalpa bungei May plantation increased more as the Catalpa bungei May growed better. Based on the overall trend,the quantites of microorganism of Catalpa bungei May roots were more than the control sample. The quantites of microorganism of 20 years old Catalpa bungei May roots in yuntai mountain,Lianyungang were more than 7 years old Catalpa bungei May roots in the forest xiashu .The microbial diversity of Catalpa bungei May and different site conditions in Catalpa bungei May plantations were closely linked. Under different site conditions Catalpa bungei May had a certain difference between the microbial diversity. The result indicate that the growth status of Catalpa bungei May was affected by the microbial diversity of Catalpa bungei May to some extent.

Key words: Catalpa bungei; different site; growth status ;microbial diversity

目 录

1.文献综述 1

1.1 选题依据 1

1.2楸树研究概述 1

1.2.1. 楸树的生态学、生物学习性和品种种类 1

1.2.2楸树的经济价值 2

1.2.3楸树宜林地的选择 2

1.3试验标准地概述 3

1.4土壤微生物多样性及研究意义 3

1.4.1土壤微生物多样性的定义 3

1.4.2土壤微生物多样性研究现状 4

1.5土壤微生物多样性的试验研究方法 4

2.楸树土壤微生物数量测定 6

2.1试验材料与方法 6

2.1.1 试验材料 6

2.1.2培养基的制备 8

2.1.3土壤系列稀释液的制备 8

2.1.4倒平板、涂抹和培养 8

2.1.5微生物的分离计数 9

2.1.6平均菌落数计算 9

2.2不同立地条件下的楸树林分及对照林分微生物数量比较与分析 9

3.土壤微生物Biolog分析 11

3.1土壤样品处理 11

3.2多样性分析 11

3.3数据处理方法 12

3.4数据分析 12

3.4.1不同立地条件的楸树根系土壤微生物碳源代谢活性 12

3.4.2不同立地条件对楸树根系土壤微生物代谢功能多样性的影响 15

3.4.3不同立地条件对楸树根系土壤微生物碳源利用的影响 18

4.结论 19

致 谢 21

参考文献 22


1.1 选题依据

楸树(Catalpa bungei May.)属紫葳科,梓树属。分布于东起海滨,西至甘肃,南始云南,北到长城的广大区域内,辽宁、内蒙、新疆等省区引种试栽,均可良好生长,栽培历史久,至今已有二千六百多年。楸树是我国传统栽培的珍贵优质用材树和著名园林赏树种。素以材质优良,用途广泛,树体高大,树姿优美而深受群众喜受。古时人们还有栽楸树以作财产遗传子孙后代的习惯。楸树是我国特有的珍贵用材树种和著名的园林观赏树种。适地适树是楸树丰产栽培的重要保证。土壤微生物对林木的生长具有重要影响,是林地改良极为有效的途径。论文结合不同立地上楸树人工林的生长状况,对林下土壤微生物的多样性进行调查,为楸树丰产栽培提供指导和依据。


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