
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要






Study on the Genetic Variation of Populus’ Seedling Clones main traits


In this paper, based on 20 Populus deltoides clones seedling growth traits of several key survey data, and variance, this paper studies the genetic parameters and correlations of them , the main results are as follows:

(1) Analysis of variance showed that the tested 20 Populus clones’ height, diameter, diameter, center thickness,and number of lateral branches and so on ,12 traits among different clones differences were highly significant.

(2) The results showed that genetic parameters Populus 20 clones seedling traits, heritability maximum tree height is 0.6, exceeds 0.5, followed by collateral angle and diameter, indicating that the three traits are highly controlled by genetic level, other traits have also been moderatedg by genetic actors, the variation generated in addition caused by genetic factors, but also by the great influence of environmental factors; a larger number of lateral branches, collateral group collateral biomass, three traits of genetic variation coefficient, respectively is 47.62 %, 41.49 % and 33.66 %, beyond 30%, it can be obtained a large gain through the selection. Comprehensive analysis heritability and genetic variation coefficient concluded that large differences between different traits at seedling stage, and have better genetic improvement space.

(3) Correlation analysis showed that Populus 20 clones were tested seedling generally extremely significant or significant correlation between the traits significant correlation between seedling traits and biennials have both positive and negative correlation between individual traits of Inter correlation is not obvious.

Keyword: Populus deltoides; clones; ideotype; variation

目 录

第一章 文献综述 1

1.1林木遗传改良研究 1

1.1.1杨树遗传改良研究 2

1.1.2杨树遗传改良方法的研究进展 3

1.2林木早期选择研究 3

1.2.1早期选择的原理及方法 3

1.2.2林木早期选择的研究进展 4

1.3 植物理想株型研究 5

1.3.1杨树理想株型的研究进展 5

第二章 美洲黑杨无形系苗期重要性状变异分析 6

2.1实验材料与方法 6

2.1.1试验材料 6

2.1.2试验方法 6

2.1.3统计分析方法 7

2.2结果与分析 8

2.2.1苗期重要性状正态性检验 8

2.2.2苗期重要性状的平均值、标准差及变异系数 10

2.2.3 苗期重要性状方差分析 20

2.2.4 苗期重要性状遗传参数估计 22

2.2.5 相关分析 23

2.3结论与讨论 27

2.3.1结论 27

2.3.2讨论 28

致 谢 29

参考文献 29

第一章 文献综述


杨树是杨柳科杨属的总称,包括白杨组青杨组、大叶杨组、胡杨组和黑杨组5个组,根据已有的材料可知有100种以上,在世界范围内主要分布于北半球,包括欧亚大陆、北美以及北非,但主要仍以高纬度地区为多,其分布的界限:南限为葡萄牙、西班牙、阿尔及利亚、阿拉伯联合共和国、伊朗、喜马拉雅山、中国的南岭、美国的加利福尼亚州以及新墨西哥州;北限为英伦三岛、丹麦、瑞典、挪威、芬兰、苏联的森林北届、堪察加,渡海达拉斯加,可以达北纬70度以北。我国正处于世界杨树中心分布区域内,因此我国杨树种类之多,分布之广远非其它国家可比。杨树在我国的分布界限是西起西藏,东止浙江,南起福建,两广的北部和云南,北至黑龙江和蒙新地区,全国范围内均有分布,具有普遍分布的特点[1]。我国杨树人工林面积大约占世界人工林面积的 4/5,在我国工业用材林建设和生态防护林建设中发挥着重要作用。

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