
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要

鹅掌楸为孑遗植物,目前仅存鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sargent.)和北美鹅掌楸(Liriodendron tulipifera Linn.)两个种,仅分别分布在我国南方和北美洲东南部。由于目前已构建的遗传图谱上分子标记数目相对较少,制约了后续的研究。因此,开发更多的分子标记用于开展鹅掌楸树种的相关研究十分必要。限制性位点关联DNA测序(RAD-seq)技术是一种新型的测序方法,在作图群体中能快速有效地获得成千上万个SNP标记,用来构建高密度的遗传连锁图谱。



Primary Mining of SNP markers in Liriodendron genome


Liriodendron, a relic plant, has only two species remained in the genus, Liriodendron chinense (Hemsl.) Sargent, and Liriodendron tulipifera Linn. Liriodendron was distributed in the south of China and the southeast of North America naturally, respectively. It was great needed to develop molecular markers for genetic map construction in Liriodendron molecular breeding. Restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) technology, a new sequencing approach, can provide thousands of SNP markers in a mapping population to make it possible to construct high-density genetic linkage maps on Liriodendron.

This study is based on a large number of SNP markers developed by RAD-seq in the previously research program of the laboratory. Through the genome database searching, and PCR primers were designed by Primer5.0 software and PCR amplification efficiency and specificity was optimized. There were 35 SNP sites to be selected synthesizing primers and 16 DNA fragments of the offsprings were picked up randomly in the hybridization population as targets for PCR. After amplification we checked the results by agarose gel electrophoresis. The results shown that there were 27 primers had a better specificity, and the ratio of success was 77.14% among 35 primers. Then the 27 PCR products was sent to BGI for sequencing. The results shown that 20 sites were successfully sequenced among 27 PCR products, a total of sequenced and interpreted SNP markers were 293 after eliminating the 27 SNPs with no signaling during sequencing. Finally, we confirmed that all the 293 sites are SNP loci, and the 194 SNPs (in 66.2%) among a total of 293 SNPs were validated of their variation types, by comparison with BioXM2.6.

Keywords: Liriodendron chinense, Liriodendron tulipifera, RAD-seq, SNP maker, Genetic linkage map

目 录

1 文献综述 - 1 -

1.1 鹅掌楸综述 - 1 -

1.2 二代测序技术综述 - 1 -

1.2.1 一代和二代测序技术概念 - 1 -

1.2.2 第二代测序技术的应用 - 2 -

1.3 RAD-seq测序综述 - 2 -

1.3.1 RAD-seq技术 - 2 -

1.3.2 RAD-seq的技术流程 - 3 -

1.3.3 RAD-seq技术的发展 - 5 -

1.4 分子标记综述 - 5 -

1.4.1 分子标记概念及种类 - 5 -

1.4.2 分子标记及其检测技术的发展 - 6 -

1.4.3 单核苷酸多态性标记(SNP) - 7 -

1.5 引物合成综述 - 8 -

1.5.1 引物合成前的准备 - 8 -

1.5.2 主要数据库和生物分析软件 - 8 -

1.5.3 分子标记设计原则与具体方法 - 9 -

1.5.4 引物设计的注意事项 - 9 -

1.6 遗传连锁图谱综述 - 10 -

1.6.1 遗传连锁图谱概念及种类 - 10 -

1.6.2 遗传连锁图谱构建 - 10 -

1.6.3 林木遗传图谱的研究现状 - 11 -

1.6.4 林木遗传图谱应用 - 12 -

1.7 本研究的目的与意义 - 12 -

1.8 研究技术路线 - 13 -

2 实验材料与方法 - 14 -

2.1 实验材料 - 14 -

2.2 实验方法 - 15 -

2.2.1 基因组DNA的提取 - 15 -

2.2.2 引物合成 - 15 -

2.2.3 PCR扩增 - 17 -

2.2.4 琼脂糖凝胶检测 - 17 -

3 结果与分析 - 19 -

3.1 DNA质量检测结果 - 19 -

3.2 SNP的筛选 - 19 -

3.3 SNP验证结果 - 22 -

结论与讨论 - 25 -

致 谢 - 27 -

参考文献 - 28 -

1 文献综述

1.1 鹅掌楸综述

鹅掌楸属于木兰科(Magnoliaceae)鹅掌楸属(Liriodendron)。如今仅存两个种,即中国鹅掌楸(L. chinense (Hemsl.) Sargent.)(又称马褂木)和北美鹅掌楸(L. tulipifera L.)[30]。鹅掌楸在中生代侏罗纪晚期早就已经生长在北半球纬度较高的北欧、格陵兰岛和阿拉斯加等地;到了新生代第三纪广泛分布在欧亚大陆和北美洲;经历了第四纪冰川之后仅分布在我国南方和北美洲东南部,成为了典型的孑遗植物[3]。以中国鹅掌楸和北美鹅掌楸为杂交亲本,通过人工杂交得到的杂交鹅掌楸,其命名被订正为亚美马褂木(Liriodendron sino-americanum P.C. Yieh ex Shang et Z. R. Wang)[24]。鹅掌楸属植物不仅是研究系统进化、遗传多样性和杂交育种的好材料,也是探讨物种地理分布、居群与群落生态等的重要研究对象[21]


1.2 二代测序技术综述

1.2.1 一代和二代测序技术概念


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