
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要


香豆酰酯-3-羟化酶( p-coumarate 3-hydroxylase,C3H) 属于细胞色素P450 中的CYP98 亚家族,是加兰他敏生物合成途径中催化苯丙烷反应的关键酶之一。

本研究以长筒石蒜(Lycoris longituba)为材料,根据已知的其它植物p-香豆酰酯3-羟化酶(C3H)氨基酸序列及其编码基因的保守区域设计简并引物,结合运用RACE技术,克隆长筒石蒜p-香豆酰酯3-羟化酶基因(L1C3H),为进一步探讨其可能在加兰他敏生物合成过程中的作用提供一定的研究基础。


Cloning of p-coumarate 3-hydroxylase gene in Lycoris longituba


Lycoris is a perennial herb of Amaryllidacea. it has a spherical bulb under the ground. There has rich alkaloid in bulbs, about 0.1% of the total alkaloids, including Lycorine, Galanthamine and Lycoramine. etc., The galanthamine is an important topic of research in recent years, for the early and middle stage of Alzheimer's disease treatment has been widely applied in clinic. In recent years, the demand for drugs is increasing, but in less content of galantamine in Lycoris bulb, and a large collection of threatened wildlife resources. So in recent years the use of bio-engineering technology to produce galanthamine is one of the important ways to solve this.

P-coumarate 3-hydroxylase(C3H) belongs to the CYP98 subfamily of cytochrome P450,it is one of the key enzymes to catalyze the reaction of benzene and propane in lignin biosynthesis pathway.

According to other plant p-coumaric acyl ester 3- hydroxylase gene encoding amino acid sequence, we designed degenerate primers within the conserved regions then combined with the use of RT-PCR, PCR and RACE technology, to clone p-coumarate 3-hydroxylase gene (L1C3H)from leaf of Lycoris longituba. This research helps to investigate the possible role in the biosynthesis of galanthamine, in order to provide some information for the production of galanthamine.

Key words: Lycoris longituba; Galanthamine; p-coumarate 3-hydroxylase

目 录

1 文献综述 - 1 -

1.1石蒜 - 1 -

1.1.1石蒜的简介 - 1 -

1.1.2石蒜的价值 - 1 -

1.2石蒜的化学成分研究 - 2 -

1.2.1石蒜中生物碱的概况 - 2 -

1.2.2石蒜中生物碱的提取与分析 - 3 -

1.3香豆酰酯-3羟化酶 - 3 -

1.3.1 C3H基因的简介 - 3 -

1.3.2 C3H基因的克隆方法 - 4 -

1.4研究目的与意义 - 5 -

2 材料与方法 - 6 -

2.1实验材料 - 6 -

2.2实验仪器与设备 - 6 -

2.3试验方法与步骤 - 6 -

2.3.1长筒石蒜RNA的提取(试剂盒法) - 6 -

2.3.2 RT-PCR - 7 -

2.3.3引物设计 - 8 -

2.3.4C3H基因保守区域PCR扩增 - 8 -

2.3.5切胶回收连接T载体 - 9 -

2.3.6大肠杆菌转化 - 9 -

2.3.7菌液PCR - 10 -

2.3.8 3’RACE - 11 -

3 结果与分析 - 12 -

3.1简并引物的设计 - 12 -

3.2 RNA提取 - 15 -

3.3 PCR扩增的退火温度 - 15 -

3.4质粒转化及蓝白斑筛选 - 17 -

3.5菌落PCR - 18 -

3.6同源序列的比较 - 18 -

3.7 3’RACE的设计 - 20 -

结 论 - 22 -

致 谢 - 23 -

参考文献 - 24 -

1 文献综述



石蒜(Lycoris)属植物隶属被子植物亚门,单子叶植物纲,石蒜科,为多年生的草本球根花卉植物。须根丛生,地下鳞茎肥厚,外被紫红色薄膜,内为肉白色,形似蒜头。叶于花期后生出,基生,肉质,5~6 片,带形,长14~30cm,宽不及1cm,先端钝,全缘,青绿色带有白粉。夏、秋先叶开花,花葶单生,高约30cm,伞形花序顶生,小花5~6 朵,鲜红色,其下部苞片干膜质,披针形;花被管极短,长 3~5mm,上部6 裂,裂片窄长,有皱纹,宽展,向外反卷;雄蕊6 个,着生于花被管近喉部,突出,约比花被管长2 倍,花药线形,2 室,纵裂;雌蕊1 枚,花柱长,亦突出,柱头圆形,子房下位,绿色,3 室,花后不成熟,两蕊与花被同色。按展叶期不同,石蒜属植物可划分为春叶型(12 月下旬至1 月中下旬展叶)和秋叶型(9~10 月展叶)两大类。叶片枯萎后,鳞茎进入花芽分化期,花期7~9 月,种子9~10 月成熟。石蒜属植物花后结实率极低,一般以自然分球繁殖[1,2]

我国于20 世纪70 年代开始对石蒜属植物进行研究,徐垠、范广进于1974 年发表了长筒石蒜和安徽石蒜两个新种[3]。之后我国和韩国学者又发现了许多种新型的石蒜,最终共有33个石蒜物种被发表出来。有些石蒜物种还存在多个变种,如长筒石蒜根据其花被片颜色将其划分为长筒石蒜(原变种)和黄长筒石蒜两变种,尽管石蒜属有些种的花型和花色变异大,但种下变型的划分还未出现。石蒜属植物主要分布于中国、韩国和日本[4],其中大部分都分布与我国的江苏、浙江、安徽一带,且分布于我国的石蒜属基本处于野生状态。

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