
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要

百合灰霉病菌(Botrytis elliptica)是一类重要的植物病原菌。灰霉菌可以侵染多种植物,不仅可以侵染蔬菜、水果、花卉以及其他观赏性植物。尤其是对花卉的危害更大,在其大爆发的年份,往往会造成花卉产业严重的经济损失。该菌的分布遍布全球,分布的地理范围跨越温带和亚热带。目前,在郁金香、月季、百合、玫瑰等花卉中否都有关于灰霉菌引起病害的报道。由于百合栽培种没有免疫品种的报道,目前对于灰霉病的防止主要采用杀菌剂,而长期使用杀菌剂,不仅对环境造成污染,还使灰霉菌对各种杀菌剂产生抗药性,这也成为生产上亟待解决的一大难题。虽然目前市场上没有发现免疫品种。但不同百合品种对百合灰霉菌的抗性存在差异。本研究以东方百合高抗品种“Sorbone”为母本,以高感品种“Francia”为父本进行杂交。通过ISSR分子标记对杂种后代进行鉴定后,对杂种植株的灰霉病抗性进行鉴定。根据杂种F1灰霉病抗性分离的情况,推断百合灰霉病抗性的遗传机制。结果表明,在133株杂种后代中,高抗植株17株,中抗植株42株,中感植株46株,敏感植株28株。后代还出现了抗性高于抗性亲本的超亲遗传现象。而17株出现了比感病亲本更敏感的现象。因此,推测百合灰霉病是由多基因控制的数量形状,是可遗传的。


Genetic Analysis of Resistance Traits of Botrytis Cinerea


Botrytis elliptica is an important plant pathogen. Botrytis can infect a variety of plants, not only infecting vegetables, fruits, flowers and other ornamental plants. In particular, the damage to flowers is even greater. In the years of its outbreak, it often causes serious economic losses in the flower industry. The bacteria are distributed all over the world, with geographical distribution across temperate and subtropical regions. At present, there are reports on diseases caused by gray mold in flowers such as tulips, rose, lily, and roses. Due to the lack of immunization species in lily cultivars, the current use of fungicides for the prevention of gray mold, and the long-term use of fungicides not only cause environmental pollution, but also make gray mold resistant to various fungicides, which has become A big problem to be solved in production. Although no immune species are currently found on the market. However, there are differences in the resistance of different lily varieties to Botrytis cinerea. In this study, the oriental lily high-resistance variety "Sorbone" was used as the female parent, and the high-sensitivity variety "Francia" was used as the male parent for hybridization. After the hybrid progeny were identified by ISSR molecular markers, the gray mold resistance of the hybrid plants was identified. According to the isolation of hybrid F1 gray mold resistance, the genetic mechanism of resistance to gray mold of lily was inferred. The results showed that among the 133 hybrid progenies, there were 17 high-resistance plants, 42 medium-resistant plants, 46 medium-sensing plants, and 28 sensitive plants. The offspring also showed a super-parental inheritance with higher resistance than the resistant parent. The 17 strains were more sensitive than the susceptible parents. Therefore, it is speculated that lily gray mold is a quantity shape controlled by multiple genes and is heritable.

Key words: oriental lily;Sorbone;Francia;hybrid;ISSR;gray mold resistance

目 录

1 前 言 1

1.1百合简介 1

1.1.1百合 1

1.1.2东方百合 2

1.2灰霉病 2

1.2.1灰霉病简介 2

1.2.2灰霉菌分类研究 2

1.2.3葡萄孢属分生孢子来源 3

1.2.4百合灰霉病综合防治 3

1.3研究技术 4

1.3.1 ISSR—PCR 4

1.3.2 PCR原理 5

1.3.3 PCR反应体系 5

1.3.4 UPGMA分析 6

1.3.5 不同百合品种对灰霉病的抗性不同 6

1.3.6 百合抗病性的评价和鉴定方法 6

2 材料和方法 8

2.1 实验材料 8

2.1.2 ISSR-PCR分析 8

2.1.3 ISSR-PCR 8

2.1.4检测百合叶枯病的抗性 9

2.1.5疾病分类和耐药标准 9

3 结果分析 11

3.1 结果 11

3.1.1 Sorbonne、Francia及其杂种后代聚类分析 11

3.1.2鉴定杂交后代 13

3.1.3百合叶枯病抗性评价 16

3.1.4 耐F1杂种的分析 16

4 讨论与展望 19

4.1 对东方百合灰霉病抗病机理还需作全面研究 19

4.2 讨论 19

致谢 21

参考文献 22

1 前 言

灰霉病影响着世界范围内百合的生产,且难以控制。但一些百合材料对灰霉病表现出一定程度的抗性。东方百合是三大重要百合系列之一,东方百合品种占据最多的切花百合市场份额。研究表明,东方百合不同品种对引起百合灰霉病的葡萄球菌具有一定的抗性。朱等人[1]用测定了7个东方百合品种对灰霉病菌型葡萄球菌的抗性,他们的结果表明,7个东方百合品种中,有两个表现为高抗,三个表现为中感,两个表现为高感。 具有相似遗传背景的东方杂交品种‘Sorbonne’对灰霉菌表现为高抗,而‘Francia’则表现为高感。因此,可以通过“Sorbonne”与“Francia”杂交构建F1群体。通过灰霉病菌接种后进行抗性的分离情况鉴定,推断出‘Sorbonne’对灰霉病抗性的遗传特征。


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