
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要



Screening and identification of cellulase-producing fungi


Cellulose is abundant in nature and it is a very rich resource. It is contained in beans, cotton, wood and so on. At the same time, cellulose is also a precious renewable resource for human beings. Cellulase is a kind of cellulase that can degrade cellulose. It is widely distributed in living organisms and is a kind of organic substance with many types and quantities on the earth. Cellulase is not only an important enzyme, but also has many applications in many industries. With more and more research in recent years, bacteria, fungi, animal body have been proved to be able to produce cellulase, but the research of bacterial is not very extensive, only a large number of cellulase have been studied in fungi, Trichoderma (Trichoderma), Aspergillus (Aspergillus) and Penicillium (Penicillium) are more typical. Therefore, this experiment collected Dongtai poplar soil, using dilution plate method, select PDA, Bengal red, and Chazle's medium to separate fungi. At the same time, cellulose A selection medium was used to isolate and identify cellulase, and a good strain for further cellulase production was screened out. The selected fungi were extracted from the genome and PCR amplified gene sequences were sent to the sequencing company for ITS sequencing. The sequencing results were sequenced to further sequence alignment and identification of the bacterial species attributes.

Key words:Cellulase;Fungus;Dilution plate method;PCR;ITS


1 引言 1

1.1 纤维素酶的简介 1

1.1.1 纤维素酶的特性 1

1.1.2 纤维素酶的作用机制 1

1.1.3 纤维素酶获取来源 1

1.2 纤维素酶的研究 2

1.2.1 国内外对纤维素酶研究的历史背景 2

1.2.2 纤维素酶的应用 2

1.2.3 纤维素酶的发展方向 3

2 材料与方法 5

2.1 材料 5

2.1.1 样品 5

2.1.2 培养基 5

2.2 方法 5

2.2.1 稀释土壤样品 5

2.2.2 溶液涂布、分离真菌 6

2.2.3 真菌鉴定 6

2.2.4 筛选产纤维素酶的菌株 9

3 结果与分析 10

3.1 真菌分离与鉴定结果 10

3.1.1分离培养基真菌的生长 10

3.1.2 分离真菌生长形态及统计 11

3.1.3 ITS测序比对结果 13

3.2 产生纤维素酶真菌的分离鉴定 16

3.2.1 纤维素酶真菌的分离生长情况 16

3.2.2 纤维素酶真菌的筛选鉴定 18

3.2.3 纤维素酶真菌的测序比对结果 19

结 论 21

致 谢 22

参考文献 23

1 引言

1.1 纤维素酶的简介

1.1.1 纤维素酶的特性


1.1.2 纤维素酶的作用机制


1.1.3 纤维素酶获取来源

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