
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要


本研究以水松成年母树茎段为材料,对其组织培养体系进行研究,研究包括:外植体消毒、腋芽诱导、不定芽及不定根的诱导。结果表明:最合适的外植体表面消毒方法为用70%酒精浸泡30s后,较嫩茎段使用含0.5% Tween-80的HgCl2两次分别浸泡5min和4min,较老茎段使用含0.5% Tween-80的HgCl2两次分别浸泡5min,最后无菌水清洗7~8次,前者存活率最高,为28.1%;在腋芽诱导中,MS培养基添加0.05~0.2mg/L 6-BA均能有效诱导出腋芽,效果最好的方法为添加了0.1mg/L 6-BA的MS培养基,附加3%蔗糖,培养20d后腋芽萌动率为70.4%,腋芽增殖系数为2.148;不定芽及不定根诱导有待进一步研究。

关键词:水松 组织培养 外植体消毒 腋芽诱导


Glyptostrobus pensilis (Lamb.) K. Koch was an endemic species in China. Under the influence of natural history and activities of modern human beings, the individual number of Glyptostrobus pensilis (Lamb.) K. Koch has decreased and now it is endangered. Therefore, studying on the utilization of tissue culture technique on this species is significant for the protection of its genetic resources.

Based on explants which were excised from adult trees, we have studied on the tissue culture system of Glyptostrobus pensilis (Lamb.) K. Koch. The study includes: sterilization on explants; suitable condition of inducement of axiliary buds, adventitious buds and adventitious roots. The results are as follows. The optimum methods of explants sterilization were soaking explants in 70% alcohol for 30s, and then transferring them into 0.1% HgCl2 which is containing 0.5% Tween-80. The younger stems were soaked for 5 and 4 min respectively, the older ones were soaked for 5 and 5 min respectively, and then washed by sterilized water for 7 to 8 times. Survival rate reached the highest by using the former method, which is 28.1%. MS medium with 6-BA 0.05~0.2mg·L-1 was efficient in inducing axiliary buds. The better condition is using 6-BA 0.1mg·L-1 in MS medium with 3% sugar, making the inductive rate reach 70.4% and the proliferation coefficient reach 2.148 after culturing for 20d. The optimum conditions of adventitious buds and adventitious roots inducement need a further study.

Key words: Glyptostrobus pensilis (Lamb.) K. Koch, tissue culture, explants sterilization, axiliary buds inducement


1文献综述 1

1.1水松的生物学特性和自然分布 1

1.1.1水松的生物学特性 1

1.1.2水松的自然分布 1

1.1.3水松的分类学研究 2

1.1.4水松的细胞学研究 2

1.2针叶树组织培养繁殖的研究概况 2

1.2.1针叶树组织培养外植体的种类选择和灭菌方法选择 2外植体的种类选择 2外植体的灭菌方法选择 3

1.2.2针叶植物组织培养中的培养基和激素浓度与组合 3基本培养基的选择 3激素的浓度与组合 4

1.3针叶树种植株再生途径的选择 4

1.3.1器官发生 4

1.3.2体细胞胚胎发生 5

1.4研究目的及意义 5

2材料与方法 6

2.1实验材料 6

2.1.1外植体消毒材料 6

2.1.2腋芽诱导材料 6

2.1.3不定芽、不定根诱导材料 6

2.2仪器与设备 6

2.3实验方法 6

2.3.1外植体消毒 6外植体消毒药品 6外植体消毒方法 6

2.3.2腋芽诱导 8

2.3.3不定芽分化诱导 8

2.3.4不定根诱导 8

2.3.5实验培养条件 8

2.4数据分析 9

3结果与分析 10

3.1外植体消毒 10

3.1.1不同消毒剂处理方法对消毒效果的影响 10不同处理时间对消毒效果的影响 10不同消毒方法对茎段消毒效果的影响 12

3.1.2不同年龄的茎段对消毒效果的影响 12

3.1.3不同外植体取材时间对消毒效果的影响 13

3.1.4 Tween-80对消毒效果的影响 13

3.1.5外植体表面消毒讨论 14

3.2腋芽诱导 14

3.2.1不同浓度BA对腋芽诱导的影响 14

3.2.2不同诱导时间对腋芽诱导的影响 16

3.2.3不同外植体部位对腋芽诱导的影响 17

3.2.4腋芽诱导讨论 18

3.3不定芽分化诱导 18

3.4不定根诱导 19

4 结论 20

致谢 21

参考文献 22




  1. 文献综述
    1. 水松的生物学特性和自然分布
      1. 水松的生物学特性

水松〔Glyptostrobus pensilis (Lamb.) K. Koch〕为我国特产的孑遗树种[1],别名水莲、水帝松、水杉松、水极、长柏,属于杉科(Taxodiaceae)水松属(GlyPtostrobus)[2],由于自然历史因素和现代人类活动的影响,水松的个体数量日益减少,现已处于濒危状态,1999年国务院公布《国家重点保护野生植物名录(第一批)》中被列为一级保护植物[3]


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