
 2021-04-12 11:04

摘 要






The emergence time of Monochamus alternatus hope in Huangshan Scenic


Understanding the emergence time of Monochamus alternatus is a perequisite for effective control M.alternatus. Differences in environmental conditions and the local micro-climate are the main facors to cause the emergence time differences.In this paper, by rearing cages, the artificial climate chamber, spawning at different altitudes in the woods, the sex pheromones of M.alternatus alluring, etc.other methods were to study the emergence situation of M.alternatus in Huangshan Scenic.

In the indoor environmental conditions at an altitude of 300m, M.alternatus emergence time was June 22-July 28, duration of 37 days. There are two emergence peak.

Under natural conditions the forest at an altitude of 540m, M.alternatus emergence time was June 1-June 21, duration of 21 days. Under natural conditions at an altitude of 1650m, M.alternatus emergence time was August 5-September 23, duration of 50 days.

Hungshan scenic area in the altitude range of 310m-800m, from mid June to early November can trap M.alternatus adults by the lure of sex pheromone. Adult stage in the forest was up to 5 months. There are 4 peak stage of adult trapping. The first peak was June 15 to June 24, and the average trapping number is 24.8; the second peak was June 30 to August 7, and the average trapping number is 23.4; the third peak was August 24 to September 2, and the average trapping number is 18.9; the fourth peak was September 13 to September 17, and the average trapping number is 12.6.

Key words:Huangshan Scenic ; monochamus alternatus hope; emergence time

目 录

1 前言 1

2 文献综述…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

2.1 松墨天牛及其危害 2

2.2 松材线虫病 2

2.3 松墨天牛生活史研究现状 3

2.4 松墨天牛防控技术 4

3 材料与方法………………………………………………………………………………………………...... 6

3.1 实验材料 6

3.2 实验方法 6

3.2.1 松墨天牛采集 6

3.2.2 成虫的饲养 6

3.2.3 卵的孵化 7

3.2.4 幼虫的饲养 7

3.2.5 林间性信息素诱捕松墨天牛成虫 7

4 结果与分析 9

4.1 养虫笼被害木天牛羽化情况 9

4.2 室内饲养天牛羽化情况 10

4.3 林间天牛饲养羽化情况 11

4.4 林间性信息素引诱监测天牛成虫动态 12

5 结论与讨论………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 13

致谢……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15

参考文献………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 16

1 前 言

松墨天牛(Monochamus alternatus Hope)属墨天牛属(Monlchamus)昆虫。近三十年来,因松材线虫病在我国十多个省的严重危害而使得松墨天牛备受关注。松墨天牛幼虫钻蛀松树树干,危害干和枝条的韧皮部及木质部,破坏、切断输导组织,影响水分、养分运输,严重影响松树的生长。更为重要的是其成虫是毁灭性的有害生物松材线虫的主要传播媒介,是导致松材线虫病在亚洲扩散蔓延的主要传播载体。因此,各地将控制媒介昆虫—松墨天牛作为当前预防、控制松材线虫病重要手段。

由于松墨天牛幼虫在松树体内危害,导致对其有效控制的难度非常大。因此,当前我国林业生产上防治松墨天牛的主要技术措施之一是采取性信息素引诱的方式杀灭松墨天牛成虫。为此,必须掌握松墨天牛的生活习性,以便生产上针对性地开展引诱工作。据报道,松墨天牛在长江流域松墨天牛1 a发生1代。广西贺州地区1年发生2代,在广东1年2-3代,以2代为主。在南岳海拔700-1000 m高山华山松上,该虫种群有26%为2年1代。在安徽,4月中、下旬开始化蛹,5月上、中旬成虫开始羽化出孔,盛期为6月中、下旬。在浙江东海地区的羽化始期为5月上旬,盛期为5月中旬至6月上旬,末期为7月上旬。而在海拔高的低山区,由于温度的影响,其成虫羽化初期要比丘陵区晚20 d左右。

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